MP Services


One of the most important duties I have, as your representative in the House of Commons is to assist you when dealing with federal agencies – this assistance is referred to as casework. My staff and I would be happy to assist you with your inquiry, please email us at or call the Constituency Office at 306-975-6133.

Constituents most commonly approach my staff for casework when they do not receive a timely response from a federal agency, when they wish to appeal a decision and need direction, or if they have lost important documents. Examples of federal agencies that we work with include the Service Canada, Canada Revenue Agency, and Immigration among others.

Cases I Can Help You With:

Before you contact my office for assistance with your case, it is a good idea to do the following:

Determine if your concern is something my office has the authority and jurisdiction to help you with.

Attempt to resolve the problem with the federal agency yourself. Ensure you have contacted them with your issue and have received a response before you contact my office.

According to the House of Commons Standards of Official Conduct, I cannot act as an attorney or offer legal assistance in any way. While I will make my best efforts to assist you, please remember that federal agencies have discretion concerning decisions on individual cases and have the final say on the outcome.

How to Open a Case:

1. Using the information provided above, make certain that your question or problem is something my office can assist you with.

2. Begin to gather the necessary documents which may include the most recent correspondence sent to/received from the agency (letters, decisions, notices, etc.), receipts for applications filed and fees paid, medical documentation (if applicable), financial records (if applicable), other letters of support. Please remember to send copies instead of original documents unless specifically requested by my staff.

3. Contact my Constituency office.